Benliğe Yönelik Tehdidin Benliği Yüceltme ve Koruma İle İlişkisi: Kendini Belirleme Kuramı Açısından Bir İnceleme
In this research involving an experimental and a correlational study, self-enhancement and self-protection were examined with respect to basic psychological needs defined in Self-Determination Theory. In the correlational study, the associations of self-enhancement and self-protection with basic need satisfaction and psychological adjustment variables such as global self-esteem, contingent self-esteem, subjective well-being and intolerance of uncertainty were explored. In the experimental study, the effect of self-threat on mnemic neglect as a self-protection strategy and the moderating role of basic psychological needs in this link were examined.In general, the findings did not support the link between basic need satisfaction and self-protection as proposed by the theory. But these results indicated that basic psychological need satisfaction could be essential for self-enhancement. The results also revealed that self-enhancement could be functional for psychological adjustment.