Antikçağ'dan Yeniçağ'a Delilik, Melankoli ve Cinlenme - Avrupa'da Aykırı Olma Halleri Üzerine Tarihsel Bir İnceleme
The goal of this thesis is to examine the states of madness, melancholy and demonic possession in Europe from antiquity to the modern period. The study is composed of eleven main chapters. The first chapter discusses the concept and definition of illness. The second and the third chapters examine the development of medicine, melancholy and mental illnesses in antiquity. The following three chapters examine the body, demonic possession, monasterial medicine and the sin of acedia in the Christian world. The seventh chapter examines the sociol pathological problem of plague. The eighth chapter discusses melancholy in the middle ages. The last three chapters examine the new melancholy, the treatment of mental illnesses and developments in demonic possession from the Renaissance to the 18th century.