Now showing items 1-10 of 30
Rousseau'nun Genel İrade Kavramı Üzerine Bir İnceleme
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
The focus of the current study is Rousseau’s concept of “general will”. In the first part of the study, the political theories of classical and modern periods will be discussed; in this section, it is aimed to show the ...
Nietzsche ve Foucault’da Güç İstenci ve İktidar Üzerine Bir Çalışma
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021-01-29)
This study aims to reveal the scope of Nietzsche's will to power and Foucault's power concepts considering how these concepts determined their philosophies and their connections with other concepts in the general course ...
Fichte ve Hegel'de Öznelerarasılık ve Tanınma Mücadelesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020-07-06)
GÜRSUL, Erdal. On the Struggle for Recognition and Intersubjectivity in Fichte and Hegel, Ph. D. Dissertation. Ankara, 2020.
This thesis aims at presenting the ideas of Fichte and Hegel along with their ...
Nıetzsche ve Heıdegger'de Nihilizm Sorunu
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
Nihilism, in the broadest sense, is the name of the crisis that human being gets into when she/he
gives meaning to life and herself/himself. Although it has many various forms, nihilism first has
an existential character ...
Platon ve Freud'da İnsan, Ruh ve Uygarlık
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
Human life and actions are always discussed as one of the most prominent topics in intellectual history. Such that, determining what kind of a living being the human is essential for understanding the social life and ...
Hegel'de Yoksulluk Sorunu
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
In the Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel examines the dialectical process of the objective spirit stage, in which free will manifests itself as an object in the development of consciousness, within the unity of ...
Türkiye'de Yaşayan Sığınmacıların Üçüncü Ülke Bekleme Sürecinde Yaşadıkları Sorunların "İnsan Hakları" Açısından Analizi- Van İli Örneği
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
When people's lives have been in danger since the beginning of history, they have migrated to seek shelter elsewhere to escape this danger and protect their lives.
In this respect, migration brings with it a process in ...
Karl Jaspers'in Felsefi Düşüncesinde Sorumluluk Anlayışı
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
The first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of responsibility is some duties determined by social norms, general moral and legal rules related to what people do and to the consequences of these deeds. However, for ...
Kant'ın Pratik Felsefesinde Beden Problemi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
This study aims to critically analyze the position of the bodies of animals, women and blacks that represent different bodies from “white male” bodies on Kant’s practical philosophy, based on Kant’s handling the concept ...
Daniel Dennett’in Zihin Felsefesinde Güçlü Yapay Zekanın Olasılığı
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-05-10)
In this thesis, possibility of strong artificial intelligence is investigated in the domain of recent mind models. Since Dennett’s model of consciousness have common insights with artificial intelligent systems, Dennett’s ...