An Analysis of The Use of Urban Furniture in City Advertising in Terms of Aesthetic/Visual Appreciation Training: City Design
City design which individualizes whole features of city including everything from its street to plate can be named as an action which forms the identity of a street. By the new identity that the street got the relationship between human and city has revealed the necessity of that society should reach to the appropriate living environment and life quality. When the features of advertising media are looked into in terms of communication design and forms of use, it is thought that channel used in an advertising campaign affects city design. City furniture which takes space in a city is made of use as advertising means graphic design used. City furniture which takes a significant place in a city is used as an important advertisement area in which graphic design products are applied. City furniture is used as printed advertising media and broadcasting advertising media (stable and animated). It is thought that city furniture is needed to be designed by being associated to other life sustaining and environmental factors. In this study, it is aimed at pointing out the perfect use of furniture at issue in publication moving on from the idea that the graphic design and products used in city furniture increases the perceptibility of places and used factors by differentiation. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu