Now showing items 1-10 of 32
Tanzimat Dönemi'nde Bahriye Alanında Yapılan Islâhât Hareketleri ve Bahriye Meclisi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
With the proclamation of Tanzimat on 3 November 1839, the reform movements gained momentum. Another area where reform movements were seen was the navy. Naval forces are not only used in the naval wars of the goverment, ...
Türkiye Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu ve Çocuk Dergisi: Aktörler ve Söylemler (1936-1948)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
In this research, child journal published by child protection institution from 1936 to 1948 will be examinated. Prior to this, the steps taken by the state and individuals in the protection of the child from the Ottoman ...
Kabartay’ın Osmanlı Devleti ve Rusya ile Bağlılık İlişkileri (1475-1774)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
This thesis focuses on the political relations of the Kabardians between Ottoman Empire
and Russia. The Kabardians that are located in the central North Caucasus constitute
one of the two main branches of the Circassian ...
Mistisizm ve Toplum: Orta Çağ İslam ve Hristiyan Toplumlarında Dervişler ve Keşişler (13-15. Yüzyıllar)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
The concept of mysticism, which is defined as the spiritual experience of reaching the reality, infinity and unity behind the appearing objects, represents itself as the ideal of reaching spiritual salvation by establishing ...
27 Mayıs 1960 Müdahalesi ve Askeri Rejim: İhtilalci Subaylar Arasında Yaşanan İktidar Mücadeleleri, Fraksiyonlar ve Çatışmalar (27 Mayıs 1960- 25 Ekim 1961)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
The studies on the impact of military interventions generally on the army and specifically on the officer class have largely been neglected. The thesis tries to examine the deteriorating structural features of the army by ...
Adana Eyaletinde Konar-Göçer Halk Hareketleri ve Eşkıyalığının Zihnî Arkaplanı (XVII-XIX. Yüzyıllar)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
Nomads are an important but neglected and misunderstood element of the Ottoman Society. Subject to great resettlement attempts in the XVIIth and XIXth centuries, they would lose their place in the Ottoman classical era as ...
Tanzimat Döneminde Anadolu’da Konar-Göçer Aşiretler (1839-1876)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020-05-06)
The Ottoman Empire entered a transition and revolution in military, financial, and administrative fields with the imperial edict of Gülhane. In order to increase the influence of the central authority, the provincial ...
Akdeniz'de Korsanlar ve Esirler Bağlamında Joseph Pitts ve Esâretnâmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
The Mediterranean, a conflict and meeting place, witnessed navigation a great number of captives captured by corsairs particularly XVI. and XVII. centuries. Some of these capitives, when they returned to their country, ...
1768-1774 Osmanlı-Rus Harbi'nde Navarin Kalesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
Conquered definitively by the Ottomans in 1501, Navarino was one of the strategically important places of the Peloponnese and even the entire Eastern Mediterranean. A new fortress (Anavarin-i cedid) was built in a modern ...
Türkiye Tarihinden Bir Arakesit: 1950-1980 Yıllarında Kadınların Kamusal Alanda Görünürlüğünü Meşrulaştıran Hayırseverlik Faaliyetleri: Dermancıoğlu Ailesi Örneği
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)
This study focuses on the history of women’s visibility in Turkey with the example of Dermancıoğlu Family between the years of 1950 and 1980. This intersection also includes many women stories in the public sphere, and the ...