Günlük Bilgi Gereksinimleri Ve Bilgi Arama Davranışları Üzerine Bir Çalışma: Ankara Adnan Ötüken Il Halk Kütüphanesi Örneği
Individuals need information in various subjects in their everyday life. Everyday lifeinformation is defined as the type of information resolving the problems encountered indaily life. In order to satisfy their everyday life information needs, individuals use variousinformation sources such as Internet, library resources, media, institutions andorganizations such as non-governmental organizations and associations, other individualssuch as family, spouse, friends, colleagues, field experts and librarians. As part of theirmissions libraries, especially public libraries, play an important role in satisfyingeveryday life information needs of the individuals of the society from every age,profession and educational level. Determining the everyday life information needs ofcurrent and potential users is useful in designing services that can fulfill their informationneeds, developing collections, revising current services and developing policies andstrategies in accordance