Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Hekimlerin Defansif Tıp ve Tıbbi Hata Tutumlarının İncelenmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)
Defensive medicine and medical error, which have existed since the past but have become prominent in recent years, is an important issue for health services. The aim and base of this study is to investigate the physicians' ...
Sağlık Çalışanlarına Yönelik Şiddetin Değerlendirilmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)
Violence has become a phenomenon where superior efforts have been made to overcome the societies, but continue to increase day by day in spite of all the struggles. People are exposed or witnessed a certain form of violence ...
Hekim ve Hemşirelerin Özgeci Davranışlarının Tükenmişlik Üzerine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi: Azerbaycan’da Bir Uygulama
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
This cross-sectional study aims to reveal the effect of altruistic behaviour perceptions of physicians and nurses on their burnout levels and whether their perceptions of altruistic behaviour and assessments of their burnout ...
Meslekler Arası İlişkilere Yönelik Görüşlerin Değerlendirilmesi: Hekim ve Hastane Yöneticileri Örneği
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)
The physician-manager relationship is indispensable for the success of health institutions, ensuring competitive advantage, sustainability, and strong and effective management of today’s multidisciplinary health teams. ...