Antropoloji Bölümü
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Pazar, Devlet ve Gelenek Ekseninde Etnobotanik Bir İnceleme: Gezo Örneği
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)In this study, the usage value and cultural importance of the sweet sap/must, which is called gezo in the local language in the Southeastern Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia regions and is caused by a plant worm that ... -
Underground Echoes: The Resonance of Persian Rap as Everyday Resistance
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)In our study, we're closely examining how rap music has quietly become a rallying cry for a significant part of Iran's youth. It's their secret way of expressing what they can't say out loud and pushing back against the ... -
Körtik Tepe Erken Neolitik Topluluğunda Yerleşik Yaşam: Dişlerin Morfometrisi Üzerine Bir Çalışma
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)In the transition to sedentary life during prehistoric communities, the lifestyles of archaeological societies that existed in the past have consistently been a subject of curiosity. In our study, an attempt has been made ... -
Anadolu Orta Çağ-Geç Osmanlı Dönemine Ait Cüzzamlı Bireylerde Mycobacterium leprae Bakterisinin Antik DNA Yöntemleriyle Analizi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)Infectious diseases have historically caused pandemics or epidemics, leading to significant social and genetic changes in human populations. As a result, the history of infectious diseases has attracted the interest of ... -
Üç Eski Anadolu Topluluğunda Biyolojik Uzaklık Çalışması
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)Anatolia has been home to several human populations since the Paleolithic period and has been a bridge between Europe, Asia, and Middle East. Bioarcheological studies conducted in Anatolia provide significant information ... -
Headshaping in Anatolia: A qualitative and quantitative research
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-04)Several studies worldwide, by applying different methods, have investigated different aspects of intentional headshaping and, especially in the last decades, have tried to elaborate standardised quantitative analysis ... -
Farklı Sosyo-Ekonomik Gruplarda Fiziksel ve Fizyolojik Streslerin Vücut Oranlarına Etkisi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023-01-26)Socio-economic conditions in the early stages of life shape body size and proportions. Studies have shown that individuals in advantaged groups are always larger, while those in disadvantaged groups are smaller. However, ... -
Cevizcioğlu Çiftliği Nekropolü İnsan İskelet Kalıntılarının Paleodemografi ve Ölü Gömme Gelenekleri Açısından İncelenmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)Hellenistic-Roman Period studies in Anatolia were usually focused on cities and material culture. This study is aimed to obtain mortality practices and demographic data about rural settlements based on human skeletal remains ... -
Zorla Kaybetmenin Liminal Okunuşu: Bekleyenler ve Yolcular
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-02-01)The main purpose of this study is to analyze the cultural structure formed by directing the concept of liminality to the problematical areas that emerged after the crime of forced disappearances. It has been mentioned that ... -
Gelenek ve Modernite Arasında İyileştirme Uygulamaları
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-01-28)Traditionality has long been perceived as the opposite of modernity and it has been overshadowed in areas where modernity has spread. However, many traditional healing practices have been carried on from ancient times to ... -
Toplumsal Bellekte Adalet Kürsüsü: Uğur Mumcu Örneği
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)Certain events that creates an idea that justice has not been served as it should be, has a feature which creates an obligation to adapt for the groups of people affected by those events. In this context, this thesis focuses ... -
Different Iranian Tourist Experiences in Turkey. Case Studies: Istanbul, Antalya, Konya
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021-06-08)Every year, more than two million Iranian tourists travel to different cities in Turkey. In these different destinations, they gain different experiences. However, since no serious research has been done on them so far ... -
Negotiating Diaspora Identities: Kazakhs in Turkey
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)This study explores the ethnic identification of Kazakhs living in Istanbul, Turkey who settled here in the beginning of the 1950s. Today their approximate number is 20.000. The work is going to discuss and analyse discourses ... -
The Demographic Development of the First Farmers in Anatolia
(Elsevier, 2016)The archaeological documentation of the develop-ment of sedentary farming societies in Anatolia isnot yet mirrored by a genetic understanding of thehuman populations involved, in contrast to thespread of farming in Europe ... -
Supraorbital Foramen and Hypoglossal Canal Bridging in Ancient/Modern Anatolian Populations: Implications for Worldwide Population Distribution
(Univ Agean, Dept Mediterranean Stud, 2016)Supraorbital foramen (SOF) and hypoglossal canal bridging (HGCB) show variation in their morphology and frequency in different populations. It is established that the frequency distribution of these traits are efficient ... -
Implications Of The Cultural And Biological Deformations Of An Iron Age Individual
(Univ Agean, Dept Mediterranean Stud, 2016)The skeleton of an adult male, dating to the Early Iron Age of the Assyrian Period (B.C. 8th-7th cc), recovered in South Eastern Turkey was analyzed. It reveals significant biological and cultural deformations. This so-called ... -
Paleopathological and Molecular Study on Two Cases of Ancient Childhood Leprosy From the Roman and Byzantine Empires
(Wiley, 2014)This study is based on the paleaopathology of leprosy on human skeletal remains and the detection of ancient Mycobacterium leprae DNA. Two cases of childhood leprosy were recognized. The first case was in a Roman necropolis ... -
Food and Social Complexity at Çayönü Tepesi, Southeastern Anatolia: Stable Isotope Evidence of Differentiation in Diet According to Burial Practice and Sex in the Early Neolithic
(Elsevier, 2013)The identification of early social complexity and differentiation in early village societies has been approache d in the past most notably through the evaluation of rituals and architectural ... -
Paleopathological And Molecular Study On Two Cases Of Ancient Childhood Leprosy From The Roman And Byzantine Empires
(Wiley, 2014)This study is based on the paleaopathology of leprosy on human skeletal remains and the detection of ancient Mycobacterium leprae DNA. Two cases of childhood leprosy were recognized. The first case was in a Roman necropolis ... -
Implications Of The Cultural And Biological Deformations Of An Iron Age Individual
(Univ Agean, Dept Mediterranean Stud, 2016)The skeleton of an adult male, dating to the Early Iron Age of the Assyrian Period (B.C. 8th-7th cc), recovered in South Eastern Turkey was analyzed. It reveals significant biological and cultural deformations. This so-called ...