Browsing Özel Hukuk Bölümü by Title
Now showing items 87-106 of 124
Reasürans Sözleşmeleri
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)Reinsurance contracts are contracts under which an insurer obtains insurance coverage, in whole or in part, for the liability arising from the risks that it has assumed or will assume due to insurance or reinsurance ... -
Rekabet Hukuku Ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Arasındaki İlişki Kapsamında Patent
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)Intellectual property law gives anti-competitive rights to the owner of the right, which gives monopolistic authorisation that can only be used by the owner of the right or the person who is authorized by the owner. On the ... -
Rekabet Hukukunda Uyumlu Eylemler ve Hukuki Sonuçları
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)In this work, prepared as a master's thesis, the issue regarding concerted action from anti-competitive behaviors that took place in the 4th article, of the Turkish Competition Act is examined. The purpose of this work is ... -
Rekabet Hukukunun İhlalinden Doğan Tazminat Sorumluluğunun Hukuki Niteliği
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)Right to compensation for those who suffer from competition breaches constitutes one of the private enforcement of competition law in the Act No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition which is the main basis of Turkish ... -
Roma Hukukunda İbra İşlemi (Acceptilatio) ve Alacağı Talep Etmeme Taahhüdü (Pactum De Non Petendo)
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021-01-25)Acceptilatio is a release transaction which extinguishes the obligation in Roman Law in terms of Ius Civile in the case that creditor and debtor agree on the subject that the debt shall not be paid, in other words it ... -
Roma Hukuku’nda Inıurıa ve Türk Hukuku’nda Kişilik Haklarının Korunması
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)While the legal order determines the rights and obligations of people with each other, it also protects the rights and freedoms they have. People have the right to demand the protection of their rights and freedoms, as ... -
Sendikal Tazminat
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)The more employees who become members of a trade union organized in a workplace the more trade union’s influence increase. Employees gathered around a powerful trade union can increase wages through the trade union, acquire ... -
Sermaye Şirketlerinde Tüzel Kişilik Perdesinin Kaldırılması
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2023)In accordance with the principle of limited liability valid in capital companies, it is not possible to apply to partners for the debts of the company. Limited liability is an important privilege granted to shareholders ... -
Sigorta Hukukunda Arabuluculuk ve Tahkim
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022-04-19)Although arbitration is in the legislation of Turkey, its practice in the insurance law emerged in the first decade of the 21st century. On the other hand, in addition to all disputes, mediation practice started in the ... -
Sigortalı Eşyalar Üzerindeki Rehin Hakkı
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)In many cases where a pledge is used to secure a right to claim, insurance also functions. As the creditor and the owner of the pledged property have expediences in insuring the interests of the pledged goods. Owner and ... -
Şekle Aykırı Hukuki İşlemlerin Tahvili
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2024)The principle of freedom of form, which is regulated as a reflection of the autonomy of will and freedom of contract, is the freedom to perform a legal transaction without being bound by a form requirement. This freedom ... -
Toplu İş Sözleşmelerinde Ehliyet ve Yetki
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017)In Turkey, employees have granted the right to bargain collectively with the Constitution 1961 and Act No. 275. Right to collective agreement and the right to strike have first set out together in the Constitution 1961. ... -
Toplu İş Sözleşmesinin Kişiler Bakımından Uygulama Alanı
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017)The scope of application of collective labour agreement briefly means, who will benefit from the collective labour agreement and under which conditions. As a rule, employee who are members of signatory trade union benefit ... -
Tüketici İşlemi Olarak Vekâlet Sözleşmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)With the adoption of the Act No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers (“Act”), the scope of application of the contracts considered as consumer transactions has expanded considerably. In the Act, the terms of contract of ... -
Tüketici İşlemlerinde Kefalet Sözleşmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)Content of consumer transactions are extended and the fundamental principles that shall be applied to all consumer transactions are regulated under the Consumer Protection Law numbered 6502. One of the main principles is ... -
Türk Borçlar Hukukunda Reklam Yapım Sözleşmesi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)The main purpose of the study is to determine the character of the advertising contract and to determine the provisions to be applied to this contract. In this context, the subject is examined in three different chapters. ... -
Türk Hukukunda Anonim Ortaklıkta Denetim Komitesi ve Denetimin İşlevi
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019)The audit committee and audit function, which emerged as a result of the determination of a monist structure board structure in Turkish Joint Stock Companies Law and within the framework of the globalizing corporate ... -
Türk Hukukunda Çağrı Üzerine Çalışma
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)Emerged with the Industrial Revolution, typical employment contracts which stipulate the worker working on a full-time basis by being dependent on a single employer, could not fully meet the needs of the parties of the ... -
Türk Hukukunda Veri Sorumlusu Kavramı
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019-06-18)The main purpose of data protection law is to prevent unlawful recording of data and to ensure that all transactions performed on these data comply with the law. In 1950s, an awareness began to develop in Europe regarding ... -
Türk iş Hukukunda İkale (Bozma) Sözleşmeleri
(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2020)The principle of freedom of contract is widely accepted about contracts made by private persons within the scope of Contracts Law. This principle is regulated in article 48 in Constitution of Republic of Turkey. As per ...