Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Yaratma Edimi ve Bilinçdışının İç Dış İlişkisi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021)
The prerequisite for the act of creation must be an encounter with the objects of the outside
world. The encounter manifests itself in the direction of requests. With the beginning of the
20th century, the act of creating ...
Kapı ve Bellek
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-06)
Doors are architectural units that have a dynamic structure of connecting internal and external spaces, with including tense denotations of dividing, guarding and connecting. Starting as early as the Antiquity, doors ...
Alternatif Malzemenin Düşsel ve Görsel Dili
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-07-05)
While transferring ones imagination to the work of art, the artist most of the time required
the material that serves as the mediator of one’s art and the touch to it.The work of art is
a tool in the artist's narrative, ...
Sanat Yapıtında Birey ve Nesne İlişkisi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-07-05)
This research; It aims to examine the individual problematic, which has brought many debates from the past to the present, with various indicators acquired from different periods and disciplines of art history (painting, ...
Bedenin Tekinsizliği ve Sanata Yansımaları
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-06-25)
This artwork report tries to address the issues of the individual's pursuit of justice and social collapse, which are the subjects that Sergio De La Pava's novel "A Naked Singularity", in the light of the concepts of crime ...
Doğallığın Yitirilmesi ve Yeniden Tesisi Bağlamında Sanatta Ölü Beden
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-07-08)
The concepts of death and body have been two important concepts in art history. These two concepts are dealt with separately and have been emphasized many times as a whole. The body has been used to function as an art ...
Grotesk Anlatımda Delilik, Gülme ve İğrençlik
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-12-04)
This study analyzes masculine language and the interrelationship of madness, laughter, and disgust built on it. The image forms in grotesque art are represented as excessively exaggerated, humorous, masculine, discrediting ...