Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Cumhuriyet'ten Günümüze Bilgi Profesyonellerinin Eğitiminde Başlıca Yönelişler
(TKD, 2005)
Education of qualified manpower to undertake professional duties in the information centers in Turkey is almost as old as the foundation of the Republic. This study aims to establish the major trends in this process of ...
Değerli Hocamız Prof. Dr. İlhan Kum’u Düşünürken
(TKD, 2001)
Bilgi Profesyonellerinin Eğitiminde Yeniden Yapılanma: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Örneği
(TKD, 2000)
Institutions responsible for educating information professionals inevitably respond to the challenges of multi-dimensional changes in the society. This article not only underlines the problems of the Department of Library ...
Üniversitelerimizin Bilgiye Erişim Sorunları ve Ulusal Akademik Ağ ve Bilgi Merkezi
(ÜNAK, 2000)
The problems of university libraries in Turkey have been considered in terms of government, financial resources, personnel and collection. Thestudy also has provided a critical review of the administrative policies of ...
Prof. Dr. İlhan Kum’u Uğurlarken..
(ÜNAK, 2000)